• An alternative Art Space of Aluna Curatorial Collective



Isabel Muñoz|Centro Cultural Español, Miami

by Willy Castellanos Simons Published in Arte al Día International. August 2012 Translation: Cora Sueldo The Spanish photographer Isabel Muñoz knew “La Bestia” (“The Beast”) closely and portrayed its entrails. This was the name given by immigrants from Central America – mostly from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador – to the freight train which has, for years, […]

Part of an installation called "Campo de Color" by Bolivian artist Sonia Falcone is pictured during the 55th La Biennale of Venice

Sonia Falcone and her unified cartography of the world

 By Adriana Herrera, PhD. (Essay for the Catalog of the 55th Venice Biennale, 2013) Field of Color, the work presented by Sonia Falcone (Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 1965) at the Biennial of Montevideo in the ancient church of Saint Francis, is a minimalist installation in its repetitive structural composition. However, instead of the cold and neutral […]


Rogelio López Marín (Gory) | Farside Gallery, Miami

Arte al Día International. by Willy Castellanos Simons Translation: Cora Sueldo The exhibition Rogelio López Marín (Gory): Selected Photographs 1984-1994, permits a recapitulation of a crucial moment in contemporary Cuban art through an impeccable selection of this author’s most emblematic series, included in the Liza and Arturo Mosquera Collection. It is important to situate these […]

Juan Carlos Alom Arbol replantado 1995 copy

Juan Carlos Alom | Buzzart Gallery, Miami

Published in Arte al Día International, 2012. Por Willy Castellanos Simons La exhibición 1989-2011: Fotografías de Juan Carlos Alom -uno de los autores cubanos de mayor poder iconográfico en el panorama de la isla-, abarca diferentes instantes de una trayectoria abundante en temas y modos diferentes de proyectar el quehacer fotográfico. Más que a una recapitulación, […]

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Rivanne Neuenschwander: hacia una poética de Lo cíclico

Alante Magazine | The Sun Sentinel | Octubre 2011 Por Willy Castellanos Simons El arte multidisciplinario de Rivanne Neuenschwander (Brasil, 1967) guarda el sentido intrínseco de la búsqueda, la capacidad de conmover de lo auténtico y una oportuna dosis de ese humanismo tan necesario que a veces se disuelve en los grandes discursos y las indagaciones […]